Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year?

So, another year down and still swimming in the same old pool of negativity? Here is a quick little love note from Reverie:

Consider changing it up okay? A new year with the same old shtick isn't a resolution to aspire to.



Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Please allow me to introduce myself...

I am not a man nor do I have wealth in the sense of cash shooting out of my ass like a free-for-all ATM but, I do have buckets of taste bitches!  FYI: I'm quoting a song and I do that A LOT!

I am Elle Reverie, or Rev or Elle for short. This is my new home of words and I am on a mission to get acquainted with my new neighbors.

Glad the awkward part is over with!  Meeting new people is hard.

So, here I am, read up because I will be posting like a literary devil...or literal devil but that's up to you to decide.

If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all…

Lady Luck can be a cruel bitch. She never seems to be there when we need or wish for her most and when she does drag her sorry ass out of bed to brighten our doorstep it’s only for a moment. But, then the good fortune seems to be snatched away not long after getting our eager little monkey paws on it. Damn the luck! Such is the nature of things we say but, is it really?

Picture it like this: You are handed an antique vase (say it like “vaaahz”) worth millions and are told you can sell it and keep the proceeds. Your eyes light up with glee as you take internal, high gloss pictures of things you've always wanted to buy. The only thing is that you just ate a greasy cheeseburger or something equally messy and your hands feel like they just won the blue ribbon in the greased pig catching contest at the county fair. How long will you be able to hold onto that vase of good fortune before it slips right out of your greasy meat hooks? Is this the vases’ fault or your own?

Life seems to be one broken dream after another at times doesn't it? Something great comes along out of the blue but there is always a worry in the back of your cranial space that pokes your brain with the sharp stick of doubt. And then poof! Just as suddenly as it came,the good fortune is cancelled out by some random financial or emotional hit a week or two later. Is that how it goes for you? It’s also erased by our own negative inner dialogue at times, which is harder for people to swallow because who wants to admit that they bring on their own loser moments? But, alas, ‘tis true none the less. Unfair things happen, all the time and rarely do we ever get a satisfying explanation for why. In my mind the thing to ask wouldn't be so much the “why” of it as it would be the “what now?”part. Because, it’s not so much the event in itself that’s important it’s what you learn from it and what you choose to change because it happened. That part stays with you.

“Bad things happen for a reason.”

Really?  And, exactly what reason is that? No one expects to be asked this after uttering such an insensitive, “don’t know what else to say so I’ll use this worn-out and utterly stupid cliche” thing because it’s usually used to shut down further conversation. If we are being honest here, no one really wants to hear about ALL the bad things that happen to people because many don’t have the ability to empathize or it makes them uncomfortable to be asked to feel for anyone else other than themselves. So, what IS the reason Sunshine? There’s more than just one typically. Crap luck befalls people who live in a constant state of “nothing good ever happens to me,” it happens to people who are careless and… it also JUST HAPPENS!  Nothing personal. You were not singled out by the universe to take all the hits the world has to offer you just lost out, momentarily, to the odds of life.Everyone loses this numbers game eventually.

Now, let’s play another game called “Guess What?” Guess what?  What? Shit happens. Game over. Now, let’s move one step forward, look around with clearer eyes and thank our “lucky” stars that we came out of the experience still breathing and continue moving another step forward until, finally, the bad stuff is only a blurry reflection in the rear-view mirror. It is possible, as with anything in life, and all it takes is the patience and grace to slow down, pay attention to what you are doing/saying/feeling and then proceed with purposeful, well thought out actions rather than impulse moves. This is the actual part where luck comes in. 
We have the power to create our own good fortune from the garbage hand we are dealt at any given moment in life. And, no one stays down indefinitely unless they choose to.

I will leave you with this one thought: Fire is a pretty thing, a glorious spectacle to behold from a distance but, it has no place in your hands so choose to stop playing with it. Do no harm applies to everyone, not just physicians, and if all it takes is understanding that you can and will change your lot in life by simply stopping the harm we cause ourselves, which in exchange keeps us from hurting others, then why wouldn't you at least try? It’s worth a shot isn't it?

Rev has spoken...